Project: Eine Uni – Ein Buch

Eine Uni – Ein Buch: HSBA on a Journey through Time – Off to the Future!

The subject digitalisation is a central element in all study programmes as well as research at HSBA. Therefore, we would like to discuss the novel Germany 2064 - Ein Zukunftsthriller by Martin Walker with our students, employees and the public under the motto "HSBA on a journey through time - off to the future". By hosting different events, we want to build-up competences in the areas of digitalisation, sustainability and responsibility with a special focus on the field of "smart home". Martin Walker's novel is an inspiring novel insofar as it vividly describes the societal consequences of digitalisation for our leisure activities, our communication, our everyday and professional life as well as our economic activities. Our event formats are framed by social media activities as well as the involvement of student committees.

The aim of these events is, firstly, to complement the economic perspective of transformation processes around big data, artificial intelligence, robotics, block chain and similar technologies with the view of other disciplines (e.g. engineering, political sciences, philosophy). Secondly, current trends and developments will be discussed and a normative assessment will be performed in order to, thirdly, being able to make responsible decisions to shape our future.


Kick-Off: Literature-Café @HSBA

We would like to inform the university members and the public about our project in a festive setting. One can learn about how to engage in the project as well as what the semester-accompanying events will look like.

We would like to inform the university members and the public about our project in a festive setting. In a stimulating coffee break with a literary kick, the HSBA would like to inform about the semester-accompanying events, introduce the digital infrastructure for participation and call for participation. As a special guest we can welcome the author of our selected book Martin Walker, so that he can explain the relevance of digitalisation from his perspective . We look forward to an inspiring reading followed by a discussion. The event will be conducted bilingually (English / German).

7 May 2019, 10:00 - 11:30

Peter Möhrle Coffee Lounge

Adolphsplatz 6

20457 Hamburg

Block of Knowledge A: Digitalisation

Those who want to participate in the project receive information on current and future developments in digitalisation in a panel discussion and deal creatively with the reading material. Here, a critical reflection of digitalisation processes should be achieved. The frequently highlighted positive effects on the economy and society should be compared with possible negative scenarios.


13. August 2019, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

SQUARE HSBA Innovation Hub

Adolphsplatz 6

20457 Hamburg



Block of Knowledge B: Sustainability and Responsibility

Corporate responsibility and the interest of companies regarding sustainable creation of added value as well as responsible and long-term planning of business practices are discussed. In particular, the future of 3D printing as well as the impact on the supply chain and the relation to a "post-globalised world" as described in the book are central to this block of knowledge.

18. September 2019, 18:00 - 19:30 Uhr

SQUARE HSBA Innovation Hub
Adolphsplatz 6
20457 Hamburg 

Block of Knowledge C: Transfer of Knowledge on "Smart Home"-Technology

Participants should apply the gained knowledge from blocks A and B to their own environment. Exemplarily, we would like to look at the already advanced technologies in the field of "smart home / smart living" and the related questions on big data, artificial intelligence, monitoring and self-determination from an ethical and legal perspective.


Project closure

At the end of the project, a blog created during the semester as well as the learning outcomes will be presented. Here a compilation of central video recordings is presented and the posters, drawings, sculptures and prototypes created during the semester are exhibited. Of course, a futuristic theme party will take place.


Sonstige Veranstaltungen

HSBA Didaktik-Bites
Ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln: Wie integriert man Romane in die BWL Lehre?

Didaktik-Bites ermöglichen den regelmäßigen Austausch zum Thema Lehre zwischen Professor_innen und Lehrenden. Ziel dieser Veranstaltung ist es über die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Einbeziehung von Romanen in die BWL-Hochschullehre zu reflektieren.

Häufig glaubt man Wirtschaftswissenschaften und literarische Kunst würden sich ausschließen. Dabei werden in der Literatur seit jeher viele gesellschaftliche Fragen thematisiert, die für aktuelle Forschung relevant sind. Romane und fiktive Geschichten bieten die Chance dem Lernenden wissenschaftliche Themen interessanter zu vermitteln. Viele Menschen erinnern sich besser an emotionale Geschichten als an sachliche Informationen. In diesen Didaktik-Bites möchten wir die Erfahrungen aus dem Eine Uni - Ein Buch Projekt teilen und zur Verbreitung dieser Lehrmethode beitragen.

23. Januar, 13:00 - 14:00
Raum: 604


Alter Wall 38

20457 Hamburg

Bitte Aushang beachten

Questions?Susanne Müller-Using, HSBA
Susanne Müller-Using, HSBA

Susanne Müller-Using

Senior Manager Research
+49 40 822160-911

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