Marketing Transformation


Research Profile & Focus of the Department of Marketing Transformation

The focus of the Department of Marketing Transformation is oriented towards the needs of the target groups from the areas of teaching, research and practice.

Our aim is to ensure broad and high-quality education in the fields of marketing, sales and retail in today‘s digital age, and to impart the necessary specialist knowledge to our students.

We pay particular attention to sound methodological competence. This ensures that the ever increasing importance of data is taken into account. We wish to inspire our students with diverse topics of modern marketing such as Customer Experience, Data Analytics, Consumer Understanding, or Omni Channel Management and prepare them for the responsible challenges of market- and customer-oriented corporate management in the age of digitalisation. 

In research projects we investigate how companies and customers act today and which implications can be derived from this in order to optimise the supplier-customer relationship. It is precisely here that mechanisms and power relations have changed massively in recent decades.

In consulting projects with companies, we then transfer and adapt these research results into practice. Our goal is the development of our clients' competencies, accompanied by concrete improvement in performance.

Our research findings are fed back directly into our study courses. This lively interaction between research, corporate practice and teaching ensures the topicality and quality of our courses.

We understand that working in teams is essential for achieving the best possible result. Team-teaching is therefore used in our events, joint projects and publications. 

Main research topics

Generating true added value for consumers and customers is more important today than ever before. To survive and operate profitably in a competitive market requires active interaction between the different marketing disciplines and IT. Here it is important that the opportunities offered by digitalisation are utilised in order to successfully shape the supplier-customer relationship.  

With this in mind, the Department’s main research topics are:

  • the interface and interdisciplinary cooperation between marketing, sales and IT, including among others, international networking 
  • Omni Channel and Customer Relationship Management 
  • Online Marketing, especially Social Media 
  • Consumer Behaviour and Service Management

In all our research areas we attach importance to the identification of success factors, the modelling of impact mechanism and performance measurement. This enables us to derive sound management implications.

In the future, we want to expand our research to include a stonger focus on sustainability. As marketeers, we have a special responsibility to rethink sustainable consumption and production, especially in an increasingly globalised world.


Teaching Objectives

Our basic goal is to provide a well-grounded academic education in Marketing to our students.

In the framework of our tuition we communicate management theories, methods and models of market-oriented corporate management and apply those to current corporate challenges. Many up-to-date examples from practice, application-oriented case studies and guest lectures from business experts complement our teaching.

Bachelor's Programme

  • Marketing Management I und II
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Marketing.Digital
  • Sales.Retail.Digital
  • Customer Management
  • Data Science
  • Online Marketing Intelligence
  • Strategisches Marketing
  • Retail Management
  • Sales Management

Master's Programme

  • International Marketing
  • Applied Quantitative Analysis
  • Online Marketing
  • Digital Marketing & E-Consumer Behaviour
  • Digital Marketing & E-Business